CEO cafe

CEO Café

Differentiating itself from a great many of the coffee beverages sold in the market, CEO Café is exclusively enriched with plant-base creamer derived from natural coconut oil. And absolutely free from the harmful trans fat taking the form of flavouring essence or preservatives. Freshly brewed for its premium taste using only selected prime coffee beans, giving an exquisitely smooth flavour, unmistakably rich aroma, and a signature fragrance for every single sip.

Further enriched with the precious ingredient Yung Kien Ganoderma, so that you can benefit from the best of both worlds in safeguarding your health, and yet living up to the lip-smacking expectation of a truly gratifying lifestyle and treasured moments.


Constituents: Prime coffee beans, non-dairy creamer, and Yung Kien Ganoderma.


Natural Ingredients & Features:


  • Prime coffee beans: Formulated using only prime coffee beans, freshly brewed for its premium taste, and enhanced with Yung Kien Ganoderma to blend the bitter taste of Ganoderma with the unique bitterness of coffee.


  • Coconut Creamer: The non-dairy creamer (plant-base) used is derived from coconut and is free from the harmful trans fat.


  • No Artificial Chemicals: Free from any flavouring essence or preservatives, giving you an exquisitely smooth flavour and rich aroma.


DIRECTIONS: Most ideally, consume it after taking meals, as this will help promote peristaltic movements to aid digestion.

First warm up the cup → about 120 ml of water just off the boil is recommended for each sachet  → smell the aroma → sit back, sip, and enjoy the fabulous brew.


Health-giving attributes of coffee

  • Prevention of Type II Diabetes
  • Lowering the risk of liver cancer
  • Protection against cardiovascular damage
  • Facilitating efficient digestion to relieve constipation
  • Refreshing and uplifting the level of alertness
  • Spearheading bodyweight control
  • Promoting diuresis and expelling pathological dampness
  • Improving muscular constriction and physical agility

What is Trans fat…how does it affect our body ?transfat-health

Most producers of coffee formulations utilize a hydrogenation process that modifies the molecular structure of fats, so that the vegetable oil or hydrogenated vegetable oil used could become more tolerant to high temperature and resistant to turning rancid. However, this process generates the production of Trans fat, which is harmful to the human health. Trans fat tends to build up in the body and cannot be broken down easily. Its long-term intake can bring about a high risk of various cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary arteriosclerosis, as it causes an elevation in the level of the bad cholesterol and a decline in the level of the good cholesterol.

Drink CEO cafe for healthy mind & body !